Monday, December 8, 2008

it's here

and what a beautiful, magical, amazing thing it is!

By it, I mean my new iPod. It is a third generation nano. It's light blue and it sparkles like the Cullen family on a hunting trip. It kind of makes me very happy.

Also, it needs a name(the computer asked me for one. it's current name is "ipod".

This will not do.

So. Suggestions, please.


post of actual substance tomorrow or wednesday.


emilea said...


i just call mine "emilea's ipod".

i should probably change it to a more interesting name, eh?

watching major cute pda going on. not the disgusting make out kind. the cute dialogue kind.

anyways. love you,

emilea said...

as in quirky should be the name...

or flip flop...




: - )

Heather said...

Paul. =). Or you could take it farther and name it P-A-Grr-OOOL.

AK Faison said...

Yay! A sparkly new iPod.

I have no good name suggestions.

Mine is named Adair. I don't know where I found that name. I just remember I named my iPod such because I loved the name, but I didn't think it would suit a person who wasn't a sparkling fair elfen lad.