Monday, April 6, 2009

I didn't get in.

I am not going to give in to the temptation to sit here and write a ridiculously long rant bemoaning my rejection, but I'm sure all three of you know that this really, really, really hurts.

But I'll get through it. I'm not okay now, but I know that I will be eventually, because I know that governor's school was not my only shot at happiness.

I love all three of you more than words can express. And I am so happy for you two, Anna and Emilea. That might sound fake and stupid, but I mean it. Every bit of my heart that is not taken up by grief is happy for you. You deserve this more than I ever could. And Emilea, don't you DARE turn them down because of me. If you do, I will take your spot (I'm on the wait list, by the way) and then I will live in Greenville so that I can walk to your house and slap you every day for being such an idiot. This is your dream, and you are going to do so well there, and if you let my not getting in stop you than I will feel like the scum of the earth. So go. I command it. :)



emilea said...

but...but...this is your dream too.

i'm praying so hard right now. please believe that this is going to happen. do not give up.

love you,

p.s. you deserve this. don't ever stop believing that. i will go up and ask george singleton and scott why you didn't make it. and they will say stupidity.

Caroline said...

Emilea, it's done. I wish it was different, but I didn't get in, and none of us can change that.

"God give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

I know you want to fix this- believe me, so do I- but it's unfixable. I am answering yes to keep my wait list spot though, so maybe that will make things work out. But if not, it shouldn't change things for you.

AK Faison said...

She's right, Emilea. If she feels hurt now, how hurt do you think she would be if her status made you give up on it?

Caroline, I love you and I don't want you to stop hoping. There's still a chance, and you can't forget that.