Thursday, October 2, 2008

death and all his minions

because, chris martin, i find it extremely hard to believe that the guy has actual friends.

er, anyway. that song has been stuck in my head all day, because it is one of the *drumroll* SEVEN that do not sound completely unrecognizable on my iPod, which survived the infamous Reedy River Incident (if you fall into the river... then you are caroline) but was somehow defeated by a few measley grains of sand, which worked their way into the headphone jack and got stuck and screwed with the sound quality so that vocals are inaudible on all songs execpt for:

-Such Great Heights (The Postal Service)
-Fair (Remy Zero)
-Mary's Song (Taylor Swift)
-Money Honey (State of Shock)
-Dizzy (Jimmy Eat World)
-Carry You (Jimmy Eat World)

and, of course, the aforementioned "Death and All His Friends [minions]". Oh! And Life in Technicolor. But only because it has no words.

Moving on.

I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED TO SEE RELIENT K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*composes self*.

Moving on again.

we're going to a party. it's an ... eryster party. it's YOUR erstyer party. Happy erysters, darling. we love you very very very very very very very much. <3. Okay. I cannot phonetically spell oysters. Sad.

I have little to say, but I am back to my good old self, blogging as a form of procrasitination. I'm attempting to work on my story and type Heather's birthday card/list. (Psst. By the way. Heather's birthday is on Saturday... do something nice).

So that's all.

Oh, wait besides that I'd love for you to go read on my story-blog. Not Heather because she's already read what's up there, but anyone else... that would make me really happy. especially if you, you know, commented. workshopped. what have you.

back on blogosphere sunday

so come over, just be patient, please don't worry...

1 comment:

emilea said...

aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. just kind of...doing nothing. listening to all get out. and i just realized how much i love fall. it's romantic in it's cold, candle-lit way. and it makes me want to walk around in it and have a boy like me. of course, i can only do one of those two. and i might be okay with it.

*your heavy heart... is made of stone...and it's so hard to see clearly you don't have to be on your own* i too heart chris martin. i can see how he has friends. and a beautiful wife. with strangely named children. i see if quite clearly.

*and i'm not going to say i don't mean that you're the target that i'm aiming at, can i get that message home?*

i saw mr.blackman today. and my heart rate went up about 200 beats. and i seriously thought about taking the long way around the building so i wouldn't have to pass him again. then decided it was cowardly of me, and walked past him anyway. my legs were still shaking three minutes later.

WHATS WRONG WITH ME? i seriously am over him. and now, i'm what? scared of him? this is just suuuuper lame. *suck*

much love,

p.s. and he just passed my classroom. and looked in. and gave the ice glare. *grr grrr grr* but gosh does he look good in jeans. *more grr more grr more grr* i swear i am over this. i am. iamiamiamiamiamiam. *GRRRRRRRRRRR*