and enjoy the new blog. I wanted to make it super-prettiful but for some reason Blogger wouldn't let me use any of the Pyzam layouts. I was furious. You'll have to help me with that, please.
I don't have so much to say on this first post, which I really wanted to be shiny and spectacular and lovely. It's not, but I needed to get this first post over with. It's like tearing off a band-aid.
So, I pose a few heather-directed questions:
question a) do you think that natasha or ... anyone you know who isn't a teenager could drive us to relient k? (If, that is, your mom answers you on time). B/C my mom said that I could go but they're apparently having jamie's birthday party that weekend and she won't let me buy the ticket unless we've got a ride. aaaccckkk.
question b) what are you writing on your last samurai essay? b/c I have nothing to say whatsoever. (except, of course, that tom cruise fails at life).
question c) okay, there is no question c, but i said a few, and as us particular people maintain, two is only a couple. So... insert your own question and answer it.
and an Anna related question:
and a world-directed question:
and an emilea-directed apology:
ack I am so sorry that i haven't commented on your essay. i will. i swear. i'm just slow. :/.
and an emilea/heather directed re-comment:
you two are amazing. seriously. like, nothing about this weekend made me cry... except for your comments. i feel like crap, but i remember them and i feel so, so, so lucky.i printed them out so that i'll have them when i forget.
finally, tons and tons and buckets of heather/emilea/anna directed love:
sit back, relapse again
agh. lovely first post.
to answer your questions:
a) My mother couldn't. I doubt tasha could. Could we
b) Nothing. Allison called me as soon as I started, and all I have is the title, and I keep asking Allison what to write. ugh. I hate this movie. Tom Cruise does fail at life.
c) why are you so John Greenish???????
love you,
you make me smile...SO MUCH.
"i heart my stuff"? : - Dj
c)i stopped being a vegetarian because i like chicken. i know. *gasp* but i live in the south, where there is a chic fil a on every block, and you know? a girl's got to have her cool wrap.
: - )
you are no problem. heather on the other hand...nah, kidding. actually, i would love for heather to comment, but you know, we are all at a loss of time, i think.
i'm not blogging because i'm busy trying to be the best at everything. and failing miserably.
although i did lose a pound this past week by trying to be the best at my health plan, and i got my first one hundred in a college class in my theatre course, so that's a plus. but as far as everything else...not so much. that's what i should blog on. possibly tomorrow morning. after i've made my impossibly impeccable breakfast and done my bible study (and no one can be the best at that, and so that makes me happy...and makes my world go round, if i'm going to be honest) and then i just might post. but don't hope too much.
: - )
i love you sososososososososo much. and when you get into governor's school and if fate prevents me from getting an acceptance letter, i'm so sneaking to downtown to chill with you and then i'm going to sneak into the dorms. pssh yes.
this goes for heather/anna/everyone else too. psssh. what now? : - )
much love. off to read la crucible,
p.s. it's actually the crucible but i like using spanish definante pronouns in front of english nouns. and typically their female, which is specifically used because there are not enough female spanish nouns. anyways.
: - )
to respond to your answers:
a)AAACCCKKKK!!! I want to go so bad. *sob*
B) Gah, my essay was bad.
and answer your question:
c) I wasn't under the impression that I WAS so John Greenish... but whatever you mean by that, I will take it as a compliment (b/c being John Greenish is never a bad thing. Unless you mean poorly haircutted. In which case, yes, I am).
c) Okay, I'm sorry if I compltely and totally slipped up and failed to notice this and if I sound REALLY retarded, but... have you been a vegetarian the whole time I've known you??? Seriously??? I can't remember you eating meat, specifically, but... i want to say that you did. Maybe. Or maybe I am just shockingly nonobservant and your vegetarian-ness paled in comparison to Emily's vegan-ness so I didn't pick up on it?? Or maybe you are reflected on an old vegetarianism that occured like, before we met. That's not entirely outrulable. I mean, I WANTED to be a vegetarian when I was eight... I just lacked the self-discipline.
Also, you DID post! YAY *HAPPINESS*
and, also also, I KNOW that it's The Crucible, silly. You are talking to a combination english/drama nerd here. :)
You are John Greenish because of your separation into parts (though letters, not numbers) and failure to complete the parts, and not being able to count.
But yes, always a compliment, even if not.
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