To Do This
1 - Go to Wikipedia. Hit “random”or click http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:RandomThe first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to Quotations Page and select "random quotations"or click http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3The last four or five words of the very last quote on the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to Flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”or click http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7daysThird picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use Photobucket or similar to put it all together.
I saw this yesterday when I went on facebook for my weekly day off of lent, and I think it's one of the more awesome memes out there. I actually like how it turned out, especially that there happens to be a tree in the background of the picture. (I couldn't get the text to show up right so if you can't read it, the band name is 'striped treeshrew' and the album title is 'resist on principle). So yeah. Do this when you get bored, because it's a pretty fun method of procrasination.
About five minutes ago, I deleted A Great Perhaps. It's gone. It no longer exists. I know I wanted to keep it up there forever, with that one last post, all poignant (mamie) and angry and heartbreaking(lyhilarious), but Grace somehow got to it and said something about it. Luckily she thought it was fiction and just kind of scolded me for cursing, but if Grace found it then my mother could probably find it, and I don't want that. Plus, as much as I wanted that post up there, it made me sick to look at. And whenever I saw the blog name, or whenever I tried to be nostalgic and look at that blog and what it was, I couldn't read it the right way. It ceased to be funny or warm or lovely or whatever it was that I liked about it. The only thing I could think on every page was he read this. He knew this. Looking at it meant facing up to the fact that he knew so much, so many things that I never would have told him, so many things that I never even told people who I'd trust with my life. Which made me feel vulnerable and stupid and more angry. I'm hoping that deleting that will make it harder for me to dwell on what happened. I hate dwelling.
Anyway, to finally reach the major reason I started this post- we're having a poetry contest at school and I might write something new (I miss writing poetry) but I want to have at least one already written poem that I'm comfortable submitting. And, as I am once again in the perpetual night(s and nights and nights) of the I suck abyss, I have no idea what I can pick. So. If any of you can remember a poem that I wrote and they liked in particular, let me know. *hopeful face*
she sat me down and said to me, "i'm afraid you've misplaced your identity..."
"Striped Treeshrew." That is excellent.
I miss you, Caroline.
And I particularly liked the poem you wrote about Max.
I'm sad that part of your post does not allow the other part of your post to happen. I was planning on flipping through Don't Fret and your blog for poems of yours I really liked, but now I can't do half of that. I know there are many that are amazing, but my memory is shot for now. Maybe tomorrow?
But Striped Treeshrew is most excellent. And Mozilla tells me Treeshrew is not a word, or is spelled incorrectly. That's interesting. You never really can trust Wikipedia.
flenm-(n.) A Swede with excess flegm, who tends to sniffle a lot, especially during Ms. Stephenson's class.
it's hard to narrow down to just one...but the one you read at governor's school instead of the short story, the one about the girling stealing books? i LOVE that one.
last night, after mistakenly intaking a caffeinated cookie (it's actually really good, but it has coffee in it...not the best thing to have at eight o clock at night) i was in the pit of the 'i suck abyss', because i couldn't go to sleep. and so what else is there to think of?
i made the mistake of looking over a particular email sent by kj, and it made me soo mad all over again. i was just like 'a) he's a jerk, and b) i'm an idiot for going back and looking at that'.
we've had two snow days, and today i have an hour and a half delay, and so i've been laying around, reading persuasion (which is so fabulous, oh my gosh) and just kind of wishing that this kind of relaxation would just stay. but alas, it has ended. back to research papers.
miss you. a lot. i love you! and i did get your letter! i'm just in the process of writing back to you. : - )
grace peace and love,
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