Sunday, November 23, 2008

and when i'm done, i feel like talking

Posting mostly because there's nothing else for me to do.

Friday is taking too long.

Cantored today. Totally didn't know one of the songs at all even a little bit.

Something I hate: when you totally botch something up and it's terrible and you know that it's really bad and you're not even being you're usual self-deprecating self you just know that you suck and seventeen nice old ladies come up to you after church and put on their big fake old lady smiles and say you did such a wonderful job.

Something I love: when you totally botch something up and you're ready to go home and you feel like a big huge screw-up and like you can't do anything right and then you have to go shake hands with the alter servers and this little seven-year-old who you don't even know except that his mom taught you in sunday school and your mom taught him takes your hand and smiles and says, "You're doing great," and means it.

Maybe I'm a cynical brat and there isn't any difference but it seems like there was.

I don't want to write my term paper at all.

But I did watch Emma on Friday and it's lovely. But I hope that if by some crazy and slim chance I get Emma Mrs. Riley is feeling a little less racy than whoever directed the movie because AAAAAHHH that is NOT Victorian-England-1816 kissing. I mean, I know Mrs. Riley said "emma and mr. knightley make out onstage" but I thought she was trying to be funny/scare us. I didn't think she actually meant Mr. Knightly and Emma MAKE OUT. (ahem, three times). Gah. Actually, I hope this whoever is Emma/Mr.Knightly because I do not want to see that between anybody in Drama club. I mean, it's not actually gross when it's Gwenyth Paltrow (by the way, Grace said that you should be Emma because you look exactly like her) and Jeremy Northam (not Colin Firth. I don't know why I thought it was Colin Firth), but thinking about anyone in Drama club behaving in such a manner onstage frankly acks me out.
(also, if Kaitlin got Emma which I can kind of see happening, Zac would be very unhappy indeed).

I miss my old blog. I was looking at it yesterday- reading all of my old posts. I miss it. I miss the pretty layout that we picked at your house at three in the morning. I miss the crazy list. I miss... ack. I tried to make this one pretty yesterday also but blogger wouldn't let me and it makes me sad.

Anyway. That's all from me. This post is useless but then... so am i.


without you here, there is less to say.


Heather said...

I'm vaguely creeped out by the image of anyone in Drama Club "making out." At all. Onstage or off. It just freaks me out. Especially if (and we all know there's a huge chance that he will) Paul gets Mr. Knightley. That would be damging to my health.

And I don't look like Gwyneth Paltrow but wouldn't it be awesome if I did? I could kidnap her and take her place and live with Chris Martin and our child named Apple. That would be severely severely entertaining. I don't think I would stop laughing for the rest of my life.

Caroline said...

Chris might get a bit suspicious in serious moments.

AK Faison said...

But then what would we do without you?

emilea said...

honestly? i wasn't a big fan of emma. i never felt like she really deserved mr. knightly. ever. unlike anne or elizabeth or kate winslet or emma thompson. no, those people deserved cpt. wentforth, mr. darcy, alan rickman, and hugh grant. gwyneth? no. although i am very jealous that she is married to the beast i am listening to currently.

yeah, kissing on stage...yeah. okay, how are you useless exactly? i once forgot (FORGOT) one of my two whole lines in a play in front of 100 people. and the next day forgot about five or ten (FIVE OR TEN) bars of a piano piece i was performing. it happens to all of us, dearest. and you make me smile and laugh when it's almost impossible, so no, you are not useless.

i'm going to continue this long comment by commenting on the fact that g.s. looked really good from where i stood this morning. it was about a football field away from me. i took a picture on my cell phone. i saw, like, 20 govie's wandering around starbucks and spill the beans. and i just kept thinking about having anna, heather, emily, and you go out to starbucks and laugh. or getting mamie a half birthday present.

i love you. and heather, i don't think i'll stop laughing for another couple of minutes. you would have to let me adopt moses, though, you know that right? and/or let me live in your house and be your nanny...yeah. : - )

love you guys. happy turkey day,

emilea said...

"yeah i'll always be waiting for you...i will always be waiting.. and it's you i see, but you don't see me...and it's you i hear so loud and so clear. i sing it loud and clear...i'll always be waiting for you.

so i look in your direction, but you pay me no attention, and you know how much i need you, but you never even see me..." that would have to played constantly in the house. okay, for real, i'll stop commenting now.


"honey you are a rock, upon which i stand..."

Heather said...

hehe, emilea called Christ Martin a beast. =D

and of course you could be our nanny. As long as you aren't one of those slutty ones that sleeps with the husband when the wife is having lunch out with her friends.

Caroline said...

Which is why I could not be your nanny, because I would definitely try to sleep with your husband while you were having lunch with your friends if your husband happened to be Chris Martin.


Heather said...

I'd probably forgive you, though, because I would do the same thing if I were the nanny

Caroline said...


ChrisT Martin.
