Thursday, November 27, 2008

thank you for being so cool and so awesome

So. Happy Thanksgiving. I haven't eaten just yet, but there's only about ten minutes or so to go, and I am the best kind of hungry- it's that feeling that comes just when you haven't eaten in a really long time but you know that you're about to have something wonderful. You know? You only get it about special stuff. Or I do. I mean. I'm doing that Holden Caulfield thing that John Green talks about, saying things in second person when I mean them in first.

I was going to write a list of everything I'm thankful for but I didn't know where to start and I wouldn't know where to end.

I'm thankful for the coffee I had this morning. I'm thankful that my dad always picks me for his team in Annual Family Football even though I'm the worst, and that I played without sustaining any major injuries. I'm thankful that the book I ordered on Amazon came yesterday, and I'm thankful that it was amazing, and I'm thankful for writers who make me laugh at them by making mention of cheekbones. I'm thankful for books in general. I'm thankful for inside jokes and for laughing and for free days at school where you just sit around with your friends and make fun of people and crack up and build Jefferson Aeroplanes. I'm thankful for the phone conversation I just had with Anna about kicking people and telemarketers and tomorrow. I'm thankful that tomorrow is finally almost here. I am thankful for babysitting jobs and nail polish and funny tee-shirts and calm tea and memories and email and good movies. I'm thankful for the curls that are gradually coming back to my hair, and I'm thankful I'm alive.

I'm mostly thankful that I have the most amazing friends in the entire world. Including the three of you. And I want to tell everyone again how much I love them and exactly why, but that would take days and we're about to have dinner.

But one of you will be hearing a bit about how much I love them and exactly why soon, as it is one of your birthdays tomorrow. (so keep checking the blog, emilea).

I'll see the other two of you tomorrow.
and God, I'm so thankful for that.

love love love love love love love love love love love
and love,

yeah, thank you for being so neato.

1 comment:

emilea said...

i love you.

I MISS YOU!!!! and i'm jealous you guys are having a reunion and i am absent. it's just not fair. there will have to be a real reunion over christmas break. we'll persuade everyone to meet at the starbucks downtown. yes!

love you. thanks,